Discover ways to uplift others through prayer, offering comfort and renewal. Learn practical steps to make your prayers impactful and refreshing.

Trevor H. Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at and the Creative Storyteller at Check out for past videos and live casts and to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen.

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Prayer with Community Churches

I don’t know how it started. I only was told “It would never work”. When I was a young pastor I got it in my head to connect the churches in the area by inviting them to gather for prayer. I thought if we rotated where we met for prayer, and used the form of prayer that each location was familiar with, it might be a good way for us to connect.

And enough area churches thought prayer together was a good idea. So for two years we met regularly.

We met in churches and knelt by wooden chairs and prayed silently until someone spontaneously lead out in a prayer. We walked around a church sanctuary marked out with prayer markers. We met in a church that had their worship team lead us in prayer. We met and read the liturgy for the World Day of Prayer. We had different language groups praising God at the same time. We prayed in several different languages—and sometimes it was tongues.

Each place was unique. Each church were wonderful hosts. It was amazing.

Celebration Service

We ended it with a joint service at our church. A more liturgical church opened with a reading.  The community church led the singing, the E-Free had a special, the nuns choir was rocking out.  The lutherans led us in a  responsive reading and I preached—I think we called it a homily.

And it was wonderful. We laughed, we worshiped, we celebrated, we reflected. We prayed for each other.

The next day the retiring pastor of a more mainland church came tme. He asked me if I believed what I said about Jesus was true. I told him, “I wouldn’t be doing anything I do if it wasn’t”.

In tears he told me “I tried to help people for 45 years and never told them about Jesus.” I think he got saved in that service. I told him. “It’s good you’re just retiring and not dead. You have the rest of your life to tell people about Jesus.”  He was relieved and told me that is what he’s going to do.

When we pray togethers we are made together

What I learned in this process is that  When we pray together we are made together.

We celebrate with people we’d not normally celebrate with. We have concern for people we don’t naturally connect with. We value the values those we pray with value. When we pray together we are made together.

Prayer is the common space grace flows feely. Grace from God to us and from us to others. When we pray together we are made together.

Can I pray?

Did you know that Jesus prayed for you?

It’s in what we call his high priestly prayer

John 17:20-24 NLT

I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me. “I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me. Father, I want these whom you have given me to be with me where I am. Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began!"

What if our prayer together is the answer to His prayer for us?

I think that’s what the disciples thought, because it’s what the disciples practiced.

After being with his disciples for 40 days following His resurrection, Jesus ascended. With Jesus away the book of Acts tells us “They all met together and were constantly united in prayer” (Acts 1:14)

And then ten days after Jesus ascended the Day of Pentecost had fully come.

Acts 2:1-4 (NLT)

On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.

Later in Chapter 2 …

Acts 2:42-47 NIV

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

When we learn together we are amazed together. Acts 2:43

When we agree together we share together. Acts 2:44-45

When we eat together we rejoice together. Acts 2:46

When we pray together we are made together. Acts 2:47

Have you noticed…

My Experience with Prayer

My most intimate times prayer—for me—have been alone with Him. Lately He’s called me to seek him, and I’m answering that call. It’s been amazing. My most intimate times of prayer have been alone with him. But my most powerful prayer times have always been together with others because:

When we pray together we are made together.

You make space to learn. You make space to greet. You make space to eat. How do you make space to pray together?

What I used to tell people who had to move away from the city with work…

When I was a young pastor the economy was in an uptick. I noticed it with all the “good”—not just cleaned, but pre-packaged—Christians  who came to our church who came from other cities.

You can’t get too excited when the population of your city is growing, if all your growth is transfer growth of pre-packaged Christians—not newly planted.

On the other hand—as companies grew people got transferred to other parts of the companies, so we had people moving away. Again, don’t get too sad when people are being blessed and have to move away.

But I always had the same advice for people, whenever they asked about finding a new church in their new location:

My Advice for Praying with a New Church

Don’t worry about the programs. Don’t even worry too much about the preaching—as long as it as it’s not terrible or heretical—the first thing you need to do is  Pray with the people and listen to how they pray.

Can you say “Amen” to their prayers?  Does their heart line up with yours (and God)?

A lot happens when you pray with others.

You’ll  want to know:

Are they praying to perform or praying in His Presence?

Do they pray with faith or in  fear?

Do they pray for each other or at each other?

Do they pray God’s will or their personal agenda?

Do they pray for each other or do they ignore each other’ needs and families?

Do they pray for people not in their church?

Do they pray fervently and effectually for prayers they’ve undoubtedly been praying for a long time?

You should want to know they pray for healing and salvation and help and comfort.

If you can say “Yes” and “Amen” to the prayers of people you just met, it connects you in a way no program or preaching ever could.  It’s a short cut to know if that is where God wants you to be planted.

I thought that was great advice. But I didn’t follow my own advice.

When I didn’t follow my own advice about prayer.

When we moved to New Zealand I sort of forgot about this short cut.

We had visited New Zealand before and I was really impressed with a pastor I had connected with and so when we moved to the town he was in, we just started going to his church.

He introduced me to the ministerial and all the pastors in town. He brought me to gatherings with his denomination. He wanted me to teach in the training they had going on for the church.

I started to go to an early morning prayer meeting at another church. Karen would be home with the kids and I’d usually be back before they woke up. The prayer time was fantastic. Someone would have a guitar, someone would read a psalm, someone would sing the psalm, we’d all sing the chorus that would spontaneously come. It was refreshing, it was encouraging. I was there often enough to know while the rhythm was the same, every morning was unique. Intercession, Thanksgiving, petition, praise, praying scripture, singing scripture. I really felt completely at home there.

I was attending the prayer meeting at the church we were attending and at the first time I went the chairs where put away and I was asked “In Canada does good pentecostal praying mean walking around, like it does here in New Zealand?”

I responded. “The Bible says they were sitting in the upper room when Holy Spirt fell the first time so…I think it’s more the condition of the heart, not the position of the body.”

A question came up

Amazingly, not long after. I was asked  if I was interested in joining their denomination. I said “Sure”—at the time I thought I could get along with anyone. I thought I was that pleasant to get along with.

But they had a lot of paperwork to join the denomination and I got started on in—paperwork doesn’t scare me— but I got to a question that made me stop and think:

“Why do you want to join our denomination?”

That’s a great question.

I spoke Karen and then I spoke with the pastor. I  told him I didn’t have an answer and needed time to find one. So we started checking out other churches.

We went to a few services at other churches and they were fine but… we definitely felt like a project at most of them.

I really wanted to check out the church I was going to early morning prayer at.

The Sunday we went the pastors were away…as was everyone I met in the prayer times. The hard wooden benches were at chaotic angles—they hadn’t been straightened. Have you ever sat too long with no leg room? It was uncomfortable. It put me on edge. The creche—where the kids were supposed to go—looked hazardous, so we didn’t send them.

And admittedly I was in my phase when someone who couldn’t preach-their-way-out-of-a-wet-paper-bag was not only wasting my time but the time of God’s people that Jesus died for…and I knew that for most of the people there—this is all the time they make for Jesus. There’s a special place in heaven—and it’s not up front with the throne and elders and the cherubim and seraphim—for people who can make Jesus boring.

So we went back to the first church and made that our church home.

Interestingly enough…

A few months later, the church I was still going to for early morning prayer had a prayer summit. They opened up their new building—that I knew nothing about—and invited people in their denomination to come and bless it in prayer. And someone came up with idea that it would be fasting and prayer summit. So people came from across  New Zealand to fast and pray—and I heard about it after the fact— I only caught the days-after afterglow. God showed up powerfully.

I didn’t think about prayer connecting us each other. I forgot my own advice. I went to an open door and a warm welcome. And I was only adjacent to something amazing, not part of it.  And I knew I didn’t listen to my own advice.

The Problem with Practicing Prayer Together

We all think prayer is a great idea.

We can all think of excuses not to pray together. It interrupts our own rhythms.

We’ve all had times of prayer with others that seemed more harmful than helpful.

Most of won’t admit, but come on…have you ever fell asleep in a gathered prayer meeting?

Maybe it’s just me. I’ve come to spiritualize it. I call it sloaking. - Soaking in his presence and sleeping on His lap.

But in spite of all these problems of praying together, it does not negate the truth:

When we pray together we are made together.

Have you ever wondered about why people gathered to pray in the Bible?

I did so I looked it up.

12 Reasons People Gathered to Pray in the Bible

1. Seeking God's Guidance Acts 1:24-26

2. Worship and Praise Acts 2:42-47

3. Intercession for Others James 5:16

4. Expressing Gratitude Philippians 4:6

5. Repentance and Confession of Sins  Nehemiah 9:1-3

6. Seeking Deliverance and Protection…or strengthening Acts 12:5

7. Praying for the sick  Acts 28:8

8. Guidance in Times of Crisis or Decision-Making 2 Chronicles 20:3-4

9. Unity and Fellowship  Acts 4:31

10. Spiritual Empowerment  Acts 2:1-4

11. Preparation for Ministry  Acts 13:2-3

12. Praise and Celebration of God's Acts  Psalm 22:22

Why? Because…

When we pray together we are made together.

Have you ever wondered about happens when we pray together?

When we pray together at least 4 things happen.

4 Things that Happen when we Pray Together

We get

1. Unity  Matthew 18:19-20

2. Empathy and Understanding  James 5:16

3. Shared Faith Acts 1:14

4. Support and Encouragement  Philippians 4:6-7


When we pray together we are made together.

People coming for prayer to our place

Our kids were small when we lived in New Zealand. And we didn’t have anyone to watch them.

Karen went for an evening prayer time and I went to the early morning prayer but we missed praying together, so we decided to open our home to prayer.

One of us would be putting the kids to bed as the other welcomed people in.

We had wonderful times in prayer with people who prayed our hearts. We had good interactions with God and essentially strangers. We’d always have someone—that after everyone left—Karen or I would ask about.

I’d just assume she knew they from her prayer times. She’s assume I knew them from mine. Often they were unknown by either of us. Then they started bringing friends.

Eventually we got to know some of them. It was amazing how God connected us all.

Maybe God’s leading you to open up a prayer time in your home?


When we pray together we are made together.

Does this really matter?

Does unity matter? Oh boy. Unity within God’s family is essential for becoming who God created you to be.

7 Reasons We Need Unity

We are…

1. One Body in Christ  Romans 12:4-5

2. Reflecting God's Nature John 17:21

3. Strengthen in Unity Ecclesiastes 4:12

4. Witness to the World  John 13:35

5. Have Harmony and Peace Ephesians 4:3

6. Have a Shared Purpose 1 Corinthians 1:10

7. Grow towards Spiritual Maturity Ephesians 4:13


When we pray together we are made together.


What it would be like to be united in Spirit?

What would it feel like if none of us did anything out of selfish ambition or vain conceit?

What if we considered others better than ourselves?

What if we all had the same attitude of Christ who did not consider equality with God something to be grasp, but made himself nothing taking on the very nature of a servant?

We can experience that—by refreshing each other with prayer.

How do we REFRESH others in prayer?

That’s a great question. I’m so glad you asked.

Remember - Prayer is the common space grace flows feely.

Solution - The Rhythm of Refreshing

The Rhythm of Refreshing is to regularly meet together with others for prayer. Maybe it’s Sunday before the service with others, Maybe it’s when GAP Prayer meets online. Maybe Holy Spirit is prompting you have people over to pray. It needs to be a regular rhythm in our natural rhythms.

However it’s part of your regular rhythm, you may need to be reminded how to REFRESH Others in Prayer.

Because prayer needs to be the common space where grace flows feely.

When we pray together we are made together.

HOW to REFRESH others in Prayer

R - Recognize God's Presence

E - Express Gratitude while Avoiding Worry

F - Focus on the needs expressed

R - Remember to look to see what God is doing

E - Encourage others

S - Spend time Praying God’s Heart

H - Harmonize to Pray and never Give up

Let's unpack that..

R - Recognize God's Presence

Matthew 18:19-20 NLT  “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

When we recognize God is with us, we realize the moment is holy. It’s not words that move the hand of God, it’s eyes to see what He’s doing. Words of knowledge or Words of Wisdom or Gifts of healing can we activated when we have faith to notice and create space to realize GOD is with us.

My mistake has been that I pray good theology so that I get God’s attention. Unfortunately, I’ve seen more people healed from bad theological prayers than I have from me trying to impressive God and those listening with how correctly I interpret Scripture.

I’ve come to learn that if I can hear one word from God for this moment, a lot more good gets done than if I’m theologically impressive.

If you want to REFRESH others in Prayer ask yourself:

Am I praying to preform or I am aware He is near?

E - Express Gratitude while Avoiding Worry

Philippians 4:6 NLT Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

When you pray with others, you need to pray in faith and not fear. You know the difference don’t you? You feel the difference, right. We’ve probably all prayed in fear against fear. No? It’s just me then.

Praying in faith encourages you. Praying in fear convinces you of your worries.

My mistake is that I’ve prayed my worries around people of waning faith, and I’ve not obeyed the command to let nothing come out of my mouth that isn’t for the building up and encouragement of others. I’ve prayed against the enemy instead of praying to my loving Father.

Have you been there?

The easiest way I’ve learned to pray out of faith is to pray with thanksgiving. Gratitude is the guardrail for our prayers and our faith.

If you want to REFRESH others in Prayer ask yourself:

Am I praying in faith or in fear?

F - Focus on the needs expressed

James 5:13-16 NLT Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Together we can pray

Petitions—that is our requests, asking God to help

Intercession—that is the needs of others

Scripture—that is agreeing with God about the truth He’s revealed

God’s will - Includes salvation, healing, for our leaders, thanksgivings

When we pray with each other, these are tools to use to pray for the needs expressed.

Example of how I pray to the level of faith

I went to bedside of someone on his deathbed and his family was there and I picked up right away most of them didn’t have much experience with Church. When they asked for prayer, I asked “How do you want me to pray?” and realized I should explain I was asking if they wanted him healed and raised up or if I should pray he could die peacefully. Before I could explain myself the his son said, “Pray with humour, he’d like something funny.”

So I prayed at the level of faith they had. I can’t remember what I prayed but it got a laugh with everyone who wasn’t unconscious.

My mistake is that I have used my prayer to try to raise up someone’s faith. It is Holy Spirit gives the gift of faith, not me.

I want to pray at the level of faith the person asking for prayer has. If their faith is not in line with the will of God expressed in Scripture, I don’t want my prayer to chastise their lack of faith. People need to know they are loved. What I’m trying to say is I want to pray for the person, not at the person.

That being said. When I’m praying with other Christians, their faith will increase my faith as they pray in faith and my faith should increase their faith as I pray in faith.

That’s the way God has designed it. Since Holy Spirit is going to finish the good work He’s started in me, He’ll finish the good work He’s started in you. Prayer is the common space grace flows feely.

If you want to REFRESH others in Prayer ask yourself:

Am I praying for this person or at this person?

R - Remember to look to see what God is doing

Psalm 46:10 NLT “Be still, and know that I am God!  I will be honoured by every nation.  I will be honoured throughout the world.”

When we pray for someone for healing, it’s good to pray with our eyes open, pray short prayers and pay attention to what God is doing.

In the same way, when we pray for each other as we pray together, it’s good to pay attention to what God is doing. If you can say Amen to their prayer and continue on, do it. We build off each other and together see what God might be saying.

My mistake is that I have tried to pray my agenda or stand on my own soapbox. I’ve prayed at people and not for people. I’ve prayed good theology, not praying God’s heart. Have you ever been the one to suck the faith out of the room with your prayers? I’ve done that. I don’t want to ever do that again.

I’ve learned I need to say yes and amen to what I  can say yes and amen to.  Build off the prayers until Holy Spirit moves us on to pray for something more.

If you want to REFRESH others in Prayer ask yourself:

Am I paying attention to what God is doing?

E - Encourage Them

Hebrews 10:24-25 NLT Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

People need to know that they are seen, they are heard, and they are loved. When we gather together to prayer, these things should be a natural by-products. We need to think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works, every time we meet.

Whenever we come together, we should come together to encourage each other

My mistake is I have gathered without any expectation to encourage or be encouraged. Sometimes—by God’s grace—I am surprisingly encouraged when I gather in prayer for others.

I’m learning when I regularly pray for people in my own personal prayer time—I’ve made a list of all my family members and their families and all the people I work with and pray for them daily—the times we meet together to pray are more meaningful.

If you want to REFRESH others in Prayer ask yourself:

Am I praying God’s love over them?

S - Spend time Praying God’s Heart

2 Peter 3:9 NLT The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

I’ve never met a newly planted Christian who didn’t have someone pray them into the kingdom. Sometimes it took time to figure out.

But even when people who were raised in Muslim communities have dreams about meeting Jesus, we need to remember we’ve been praying for the 10-40 window since 1987. It’s the geographical region on the globe between 10 and 40 degrees north where there is a large population with limited access to the Christian message. 82% of the poorest of the world’s poor, 84% of those with the lowest quality of life.

I find it amazing that Christians lament the shift of Christianity from the historical north to the emerging south and forget we prayed it into being.

Praying until answer comes

We’ve prayed—and should continue to pray—for the salvation of people in the most densely populated areas of the world. We can’t forget to pray for the promised Holy Spirit for us and our children and all who are far off.

My mistake is I’ve prayed for some people for such a  long period of time, I functionally lose faith in God’s will to see them saved.

I’m learning when I pray with others for the salvation of others I get encouraged to keep on praying for the ones God has given to me to pray for.

I’m learning testimony encourages me to keep praying.

When I remember stories of people who I’ve helped pray into the Kingdom—the last couple I baptized, married and dedicated their children—either the same Sunday or over two Sundays—was the grandson of a couple I prayed with for his salvation for YEARS.

If you want to REFRESH others in Prayer ask yourself:

Am I praying for salvation of people they care about?

H - Harmonize to Pray and never Give up

Matthew 7:7-8 NLT  “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."

Jesus taught us in the Sermon on the mount that we shouldn’t pray like hypocrites who stand on the corner to pray so people see them, instead we should pray to our Father in private, away from any pretence of show. Also that we shouldn’t pray like the pagans who thought they’d be heard with there many word. He said our good Father knows what we need even before we ask Him. (Matthew 6:5-14)

Then later on—in the same message—he says to ask and keep asking, seek and keep seeking and knock and keep knocking.

Has that ever bothered you?

In context He tells us to not judge or else we’ll be judged and to not worry about the speck in someone else’s eye when we have a log in our own and to not waste the holy on the unholy and then to keep on asking, keep on seeking and keep on knocking.

Here’s what I think is happening…

For our needs we are bring them before God knowing he already knows about them and is ready to meet them. We cast our cares on Him because He cares for us. We don’t need to convince him of our needs. We exchange our problems for His peace.

For who we are becoming—humility and self-evaluation, Wisdom and how to apply it—we need to ask and keep asking, seek and keep seeking and knock and keep knocking.

When we are praying for God’s expressed will—Salvation, Healing, Relationships—that asking and seeking and knocking should be present. Jesus told us parables so that we would always pray and never give up (Luke 18:1)

Now I’ve experienced times when I prayed and know the answer came before I saw the answer come. Elijah’s servant saw a cloud the size of a man’s hand and Elijah knew it was time to run because his answer was on the way. That can happen to us to as well.

My mistake is I have prayed like the pagans, thinking I’ll be heard with my many words AND I have given up  the ask and keep asking, seek and keep seeking and knock and keep knocking without knowing the answer was on it’s way.

It’s easier to know the answer is coming when we pray together and agree together that the answer is on the way.  Together we have the mind of Christ.

Will you hold on and agree with others until the answer comes or God tells you the answer is on the way?

If you want to REFRESH others in Prayer ask yourself:

Am I willing to ask and keep asking, seek and keep seeking and knock and keep knocking for this answer to come?


When we pray together we are made together.

The Rhythm of Refreshing —regularly have a rhythm to meet with others for prayer.

HOW to REFRESH others in Prayer

R - Recognize God's Presence

E - Express Gratitude while Avoiding Worry

F - Focus on the needs expressed

R - Remember to look to see what God is doing

E - Encourage Them

S - Spend time Praying God’s Heart

H - Harmonize to Pray and never Give up

Remember : Prayer is the common space grace flows feely.


Pray together…make space.

Wait on God Expectantly

Join with 3 - 5 people

Ask: How Can I Pray for you?

Don’t leave without everyone knowing they are loved.

Pray and REFRESH

R - Recognize God's Presence Matthew 18:19-20

Am I praying to preform or I am aware He is near?

E - Express Gratitude while Avoiding Worry Philippians 4:6

Am I praying in faith or in fear?

F - Focus on the needs expressed James 5:13-16

Am I praying for this person or at this person?

R - Remember to look to see what God is doing Psalm 46:10

Am I paying attention to what God is doing?

E - Encourage Them Hebrews 10:24-25

Am I praying God’s love over them?

S - Spend time Praying God’s Heart  2 Peter 3:9

Am I praying for salvation of people they care about?

H - Harmonize to Pray and never Give up Matthew 7:7-8

Am I willing to ask and keep asking, seek and keep seeking and knock and keep knocking for this answer to come?