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Sneak Peek at the Knock Down Strongholds Tool

podcast Live Casts 4 min read

Thoughts are what we think about. We need to take those captive. Strongholds are ways of thinking. They can be good or bad. How do you tear down the ones that are against the knowledge of Christ?

Trevor H Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at https://livelight.ca and the Chief Storyteller at https://revtrev.com Subscribe and set notifications on https://revtrev.com/tv for past videos and live casts and https://revtrev.com/radio to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen.

Knock down strongholds

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TL/DL/DW Read the notes from the Sneak Peak at the Knock Down Strongholds Tool

Knock Down Strongholds - PEACE

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Remember, a stronghold is not a thought - it’s a way of thinking. We find out what we really believe through our emotions.

When we know the truth - “My God will supply all my needs according to his riches in glory” but we feel worried because there’s more month left at the end of cheque. We can’t intellectually convince that feeling away. We remain a chronic worrier unless we follow the emotion.

When we know the truth - “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” and yet our stomach turns when we look in the mirror, we can’t convince ourselves of God’s value of us. We live with terrible self-esteem unless the memories that are tied to emotions get healed.

When we know the truth - “ Who are you to judge another’s servant” We can be corrected by the word of God, but it rarely stops our hidden thoughts. We remain secretly judgemental unless we use the emotions as a tool to get freedom.

When we know the truth “Resist the devil and he will flee” We can set up all sorts of safeguards and accountability but when we feel rejected and we turn back to porn unless we hear what God says about our rejection.

It’s not enough to simply change our decision. It’s not enough to simply change our actions. We need to change our emotions. All three need to come into alignment. Our mind can affect our emotions - we can do something seven times a day for three sets of twenty one days and grow new mental pathways. Our actions can affect our emotions. There’s a study that used chopsticks to hold people’s face in a smiling position and people who had that done reported feeling more happiness than the group that wouldn’t allow themselves to smile.

But while emotions can be affected by the other two parts of our heart, they don’t have a lasting effect unless the strongholds the emotions point to are torn down.

These are strongholds. They are ways of thinking that need to be changed. It can only be done through our emotions.

Your emotions show what you truly believe.

Your decision show what you want to believe and your actions show what you want others to think you believe but your emotions show you what actually believe.

So what are you believing when you have emotions hit you out of the blue?

What happens when you have a disproportional response to an event?

You need to pay attention to those disproportional responses. It at those times you use this tool.


P - Ponder

How does that make me feel right now?
What comes to mind as I focus on what I’m feeling? What memory comes to mind?

E - Examine

How does the memory make me feel? Why do I feel that way? Why does believing _____ make me feel ______?

Does another memory come to mind with that emotion? If NOT, this is the stronghold Holy Spirit wants to work on.

A - Audit

Not that it’s true, but it feels true that _________
Do I sense any resistance or hesitancy at the thought of doing the opposite behaviour? What do I believe would happen if I did what I’m resisting? What’s the reason for my behaviour?

C - Consider

Lord, what do you want me to know about this memory?
Allow Holy Spirit to tell you the truth about the memory. Ask Him if he wants you to release the person you’re angry with.

E - Evaluate

Do I still feel that _______ is true?

This tool can bring your heart into greater alignment. Your feelings can line up with your decision. You can have well-healed wounds.

You don’t have to feel something that’s different from what you say you believe.

Next Steps...

Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course
tools tool above the negativity stronghold strongholds teaching coaching help tips